Posted on behalf of the Facilities Operations Water Treatment Plant Team
App State’s Water and Steam Systems Engineer has detected increased iron content in the source water for the Boone Campus water system.
The water is safe for drinking and showering and no corrective actions are needed.
App State’s Water Treatment Plant Team actively monitors the university’s water quality. If a situation arises where the water is no longer safe to drink, you will be promptly notified.
Increased iron can cause a yellow/orange discoloration in the water. The university’s Water Treatment Plant Team is working to mitigate this, which is expected to continue for a few days.
For additional information on how App State’s Water Treatment Plant Team is monitoring Boone campus water quality after Hurricane Helene, review the Oct. 18 Boone campus water quality information email.
If you have questions, contact Dan Gryder, Water and Steam Systems Engineer, at