
Our Goal

To use products that clean without harming human health--of our customers or our employees--while reducing environmental impacts. Packaging, production methods, emissions, and disposal are some of the many factors we, through Green Seal, EcoLogo and EPA DfE, review before choosing our cleaners.

Exceeding LEED Standards

In order to meet the highest LEED certification for building maintenance, institutions must spend at least 60% of their budget on Green Seal Certified cleaners. We have exceeded this criteria in every year since we began tracking in 2013/2014. During the most current year, 2018/2019, we spent 76% of eligible purchases on "green cleaners."

Green Seal Certified Cleaning logoAppalachian State University's Building Environmental Services provides a clean, sanitary, and safe environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors by using the most efficient, sustainable, and cost effective equipment, training, and methods.